
Reading OpenFoam Files with Python

This module provides functions to read OpenFoam Files:

fluidfoam.readof.readmesh(path, time_name=None, structured=False, boundary=None, sets=None, region=None, order='F', precision=15, verbose=True)[source]

Read OpenFoam mesh and reshape if necessary (in cartesian structured mesh).


path: str

time_name: str (‘latestTime’ is supported)

structured: False or True

boundary: None or str

sets: None or str

region: None or str

order: “F” (default) or “C”

precision : Number of decimal places to round to (default: 15)

verbose : True or False (default: True).


array: array of vector (Mesh X, Y, Z); size of the array is the size of the interior domain (or of the size of the boundary in case of not None boundary)

A way you might use me is:

X, Y, Z = fluidfoam.readmesh(‘path_of_OpenFoam_case’) So X, Y and Z are 1D numpy array with size = nb_cell

If you play with structured mesh you can shape the X, Y and Z output :

X, Y, Z = fluidfoam.readmesh(‘path_of_OpenFoam_case’, structured=True) So X, Y and Z are 3D numpy array with shape = (nx, ny, nz)

And if you play with dynamic mesh the time_name option is for you

fluidfoam.readof.readfield(path, time_name=None, name=None, structured=False, boundary=None, sets=None, region=None, order='F', precision=15, datatype=None, verbose=True)[source]

Read OpenFoam field and reshape if necessary (structured mesh) and possible (not uniform field).


path: str

time_name: str (‘latestTime’ is supported)

name: str

structured: False or True

boundary: None or str

sets: None or str

region: None or str

order: “F” (default) or “C”

precision : Number of decimal places to round to (default: 15)

datatype: None (default) or str (“scalar”, “vector”…) necessary in case of files without header

verbose : True or False (default: True).


array: array of type of the field; size of the array is the size of the interior domain (or of the size of the boundary in case of not None boundary)

A way you might use me is:

field = fluidfoam.readfield(‘path_of_OpenFoam_case’, ‘0’, ‘alpha’)

fluidfoam.readof.readscalar(path, time_name=None, name=None, structured=False, boundary=None, sets=None, region=None, order='F', precision=15, mode=None, verbose=True)[source]

Read OpenFoam scalar field and reshape if necessary and possible (not uniform field).


path: str

time_name: str (‘latestTime’ is supported)

name: str

structured: False or True

boundary: None or str

sets: None or str

region: None or str

order: “F” (default) or “C”

precision : Number of decimal places to round to (default: 15)

verbose : True or False (default: True).


array: array of scalar field; size of the array is the size of the interior domain (or of the size of the boundary in case of not None boundary)

A way you might use me is:

scalar_a = fluidfoam.readscalar(‘path_of_OpenFoam_case’, ‘0’, ‘alpha’)

fluidfoam.readof.readvector(path, time_name=None, name=None, structured=False, boundary=None, sets=None, region=None, order='F', precision=15, verbose=True)[source]

Read OpenFoam vector field and reshape if necessary and possible (not uniform field).


path: str

time_name: str (‘latestTime’ is supported)

name: str

structured: False or True

boundary: None or str

sets: None or str

region: None or str

order: “F” (default) or “C”

precision : Number of decimal places to round to (default: 15)

verbose : True or False (default: True).


array: array of vector field; size of the array is the size of the interior domain (or of the size of the boundary in case of not None boundary)

A way you might use me is:

U = fluidfoam.readvector(‘path_of_OpenFoam_case’, ‘0’, ‘U’)

fluidfoam.readof.readsymmtensor(path, time_name=None, name=None, structured=False, boundary=None, sets=None, region=None, order='F', precision=15, verbose=True)[source]

Read OpenFoam symmetrical tensor field and reshape if necessary and possible (not uniform field).


path: str

time_name: str (‘latestTime’ is supported)

name: str

structured: False or True

boundary: None or str

sets: None or str

region: None or str

order: “F” (default) or “C”

precision : Number of decimal places to round to (default: 15)

verbose : True or False (default: True).


array: array of symmetrical tensor field; size of the array is the size of the interior domain (or of the size of the boundary in case of not None boundary)

A way you might use me is:

sigma = fluidfoam.readsymmtensor(‘path_of_OpenFoam_case’, ‘0’, ‘sigma’)

fluidfoam.readof.readtensor(path, time_name=None, name=None, structured=False, boundary=None, sets=None, region=None, order='F', precision=15, verbose=True)[source]

Read OpenFoam tensor field and reshape if necessary and possible (not uniform field).


path: str

time_name: str (‘latestTime’ is supported)

name: str

structured: False or True

boundary: None or str

sets: None or str

region: None or str

order: “F” (default) or “C”

precision : Number of decimal places to round to (default: 15)

verbose : True or False (default: True).


array: array of tensor field; size of the array is the size of the interior domain (or of the size of the boundary in case of not None boundary)

A way you might use me is:

tens = fluidfoam.readtensor(‘path_of_OpenFoam_case’, ‘0’, ‘tens’)

fluidfoam.readof.getVolumes(path, time_name=None, structured=False, boundary=None, sets=None, region=None, order='F', precision=15, verbose=True, box=None)[source]

Reads OpenFoam mesh and returns the cell centroids and cell volumes of a given box.


path: str

time_name: str (‘latestTime’ is supported)

structured: False or True

boundary: None or str

sets: None or str

region: None or str

order: “F” (default) or “C”

precision : Number of decimal places to round to (default: 15)

verbose : True or False (default: True) box : tuple of box’s dimension: ((xmin, ymin, zmin), (xmax, ymax, zmax))

(if None, includes the whole mesh)


array: two arrays that contain the cell centroids and cell volumes

A way you might use me is:

centroidList,vol = fluidfoam.getVolumes(‘path_of_OpenFoam_case’) So centroidList and vol are the cell centroid and cell volume arrays.

fluidfoam.readof.typefield(path, time_name=None, name=None, verbose=True)[source]

Read OpenFoam field and returns type of field.


path: str

time_name: str (‘latestTime’ is supported)

name: str


str: type of field

A way you might use me is:

print(“type of alpha field is”, fluidfoam.typefield(‘path_of_OpenFoam_case’, ‘0’, ‘alpha’))


getVolumes(path[, time_name, structured, ...])

Reads OpenFoam mesh and returns the cell centroids and cell volumes of a given box.

readfield(path[, time_name, name, ...])

Read OpenFoam field and reshape if necessary (structured mesh) and possible (not uniform field).

readmesh(path[, time_name, structured, ...])

Read OpenFoam mesh and reshape if necessary (in cartesian structured mesh).

readscalar(path[, time_name, name, ...])

Read OpenFoam scalar field and reshape if necessary and possible (not uniform field).

readsymmtensor(path[, time_name, name, ...])

Read OpenFoam symmetrical tensor field and reshape if necessary and possible (not uniform field).

readtensor(path[, time_name, name, ...])

Read OpenFoam tensor field and reshape if necessary and possible (not uniform field).

readvector(path[, time_name, name, ...])

Read OpenFoam vector field and reshape if necessary and possible (not uniform field).

typefield(path[, time_name, name, verbose])

Read OpenFoam field and returns type of field.


OpenFoamFile(path[, time_name, name, ...])

OpenFoam file parser.