Source code for fluidfoam.meshdesign

""" Compute mesh grading and cell sizes
This module provides functions to design OpenFoam mesh using blockMesh:

.. autofunction:: getgz
.. autofunction:: getdzs


import numpy as np

[docs]def getgz(h, dz1, N): """Given a domain size h, a first grid size dz1 and a number of points N this function returns the common ratio, the grading gz to enter in blockMesk and the z and dz vectors. Usage: z,dz,gz=getgz(h,dz1,N) """ if dz1 == h/float(N): print("Uniform mesh") r = 1 gz = 1 else: # polynomial p of the sequence terms summation between 0 and N-1 p = np.zeros(N+1) p[N] = h / dz1 - 1 p[N-1] = -h / dz1 p[0] = 1 # Find the roots of the polynomial sol = np.roots(p) # Keep only the real non trivial solution toto = np.where(np.imag(sol) == 0) solreal = sol[toto] titi = np.where(np.real(solreal) > 0) #print("Real solutions:",solreal) titi = np.where( np.logical_and(np.real(solreal) > 0, np.abs(np.real(solreal)-1) > 1e-6) ) solgood = solreal[titi] #print("Good solution:",solgood) # Compute the common ratio of the sequence try: r = np.real(np.real(solgood[0])) except IndexError: print("There is a problem with input data or a bug") # Compute the grading factor for blockMesh gz = r ** (N - 1) # Compute the grid points position and the associated spacing z = np.zeros(N+1) dz = np.zeros(N) dz[0] = dz1 for i in range(N-1): dz[i + 1] = r **(i+1) * dz1 z[i + 1] = z[i] + dz[i] z[N] = z[N - 1] + dz[N - 1] # print some output print("grid sizes, common ratio and grading factor") print("z[N] =", round(z[N],4)) print("dz[0] =", round(dz[0],4)) print("dz[N-1]=", round(dz[N - 1],4)) print("common ratio: r=", round(r,4)) print("gz=", round(gz,4)) print("1/gz=", round(1.0 / gz,4)) return z, dz, gz
[docs]def getdzs(h, gz, N): """Given a domain size h, a grading factor gz and a number of points N this function returns the grid size of the first and the last points. Usage: dz1,dzN=getdzs(h,gz,N) """ # Compute the common ratio of the sequence r = gz ** (1.0 / (N - 1)) if r != 1: dz1 = h * (1.0 - r) / (1.0 - r ** N) dzN = gz * dz1 else: dz1 = h / float(N - 1) dzN = dz1 z = 0 for i in range(N - 1): zn = z + r ** i * dz1 z = zn # print i+1,z # print some output print("grid size of the first and last cells:") print("dz[0]=", dz1) print("dz[N-1]=", dzN) return dz1, dzN