Source code for fluidfoam.meshvisu

"""Visualisation of 2D OpenFoam Mesh with Python
This module provides functions to read 2D OpenFoam Mesh:

.. autoclass:: MeshVisu

.. automethod:: MeshVisu.get_xlim

.. automethod:: MeshVisu.get_ylim

.. automethod:: MeshVisu.get_zlim

.. automethod:: MeshVisu.get_all_edgesInBox

.. automethod:: MeshVisu.update_box

.. automethod:: MeshVisu.get_box

.. automethod:: MeshVisu.set_box_to_mesh_size


from fluidfoam import OpenFoamFile
import os
import numpy as np

[docs]class MeshVisu(object): """ Read OpenFoam mesh of 2D planar simulation and list all the edges contained in a box. Args: path: str\n box: tuple of box's dimension: ((xmin, ymin, zmin), (xmax, ymax, zmax))\n (if None, includes the whole mesh)\n plane: str plane in which the mesh is contained, either:\n 'xy': the xy-plane of outgoing normal z (default value)\n 'xz': the xz-plane of outgoing normal -y\n 'yz': the yz-plane of outgoing normal x \n time_name: str ('latestTime' is supported)\n verbose : True or False (default: True)\n A way you might use me is: MyMesh = fluidfoam.MeshVisu(path = 'path_of_OpenFoam_case')\n Then a minimal example to generate and save vectorial mesh figure could be: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection\n fig, ax = plt.subplots()\n ln_coll = LineCollection(MyMesh.get_all_edgesInBox())\n ax.add_collection(ln_coll, autolim=True)\n plt.savefig('./myMesh.svg', dpi=fig.dpi, transparent = True, bbox_inches = 'tight')\n """ def __init__( self, path, box = None, plane = 'xy', time_name = None, verbose = True, ): """ by_default we expect the 2D mesh to be in xy-plane: """ # Step 1: read point and face files: # read faces in path/constant/polyMesh/ self.__facefile = OpenFoamFile( path = os.path.join(path, 'constant/polyMesh'), name = "faces", verbose = verbose ) # if a time_name is given, read points in path/[time_name]/polyMesh/points if time_name != None: self.__pointfile = OpenFoamFile( path = path, time_name = time_name, name = 'polyMesh/points', verbose = verbose ) # else, just read the constant/polyMesh/points file else: self.__pointfile = OpenFoamFile( path = os.path.join(path, 'constant/polyMesh'), name = "points", verbose = verbose ) # Step 2: Define box. Only edges inside the box will be plot. if box != None: # box = ((xmin, ymin, zmin), (xmax, ymax, zmax)) if len(box[0]) != 3 or len(box[1]) != 3: raise ValueError("box mins and maxs must be float tuples of lenght 3") self.__box = box else: # if no box is given, the default size is the whole mesh self.set_box_to_mesh_size(verbose=verbose) # Step 3: list edges in box self.__plane = plane self._set_edges_in_box(verbose = verbose)
[docs] def update_box(self, box, verbose = True): """ updates the mesh visualization box Args: box: tuple ((xmin, ymin, zmin), (xmax, ymax, zmax)) A way you might use me is:\n MyMesh.update(box = ((0, 0, -1), (0.05, 0.05, 1))) """ if len(box[0]) != 3 or len(box[1]) != 3: raise ValueError("box mins and maxs must be float tuples of lenght 3") self.__box = box # update egdes in box self._set_edges_in_box(verbose = verbose)
[docs] def get_box(self): """ return the mesh visualization box Returns: tuple: ((xmin, ymin, zmin), (xmax, ymax, zmax))""" return self.__box
[docs] def get_xlim(self): """ returns the x limits of the mesh visualization box. Returns: tuple of floats: (xmin, xmax) """ return (self.__box[0][0], self.__box[1][0])
[docs] def get_ylim(self): """ returns the y limits of the mesh visualization box. Returns: tuple of floats: (ymin, ymax) """ return (self.__box[0][1], self.__box[1][1])
[docs] def get_zlim(self): """ returns the z limits of the mesh visualization box. Returns: tuple of floats: (zmin, zmax) """ return (self.__box[0][2], self.__box[1][2])
[docs] def set_box_to_mesh_size(self, verbose=False): """ Set the mesh visualization box to mesh size. """ minx = np.min(self.__pointfile.values_x) miny = np.min(self.__pointfile.values_y) minz = np.min(self.__pointfile.values_z) maxx = np.max(self.__pointfile.values_x) maxy = np.max(self.__pointfile.values_y) maxz = np.max(self.__pointfile.values_z) self.__box = ((minx, miny, minz), (maxx, maxy, maxz)) if verbose: print(f"Box set to mesh size: \n (minx, miny, minz) = {self.__box[0]} \ \n (maxx, maxy, maxz) = {self.__box[1]}")
def _set_edges_in_box(self, verbose=False): """ create edgesInBox, a list of edges. Eatch edge is in the form ((x0, y0), (x1, y1)) (if mesh contain in 'xy' plane) """ nfaces = self.__facefile.nfaces plane = self.__plane # It is assumed that the mesh is 2D-planar. # So there is just 1 cell in the third direction, # therefore only 2 possibles values for the points coordonates # in this 3rd dimension. # example: if plane == 'xy', the 3rd dimension is z. # the points have 2 possible coordinates according to z, # let us call them z0 and z1. # To avoid unnecessary duplication when displaying, # we only list the segments belonging to z0. self._set_plane_coord(plane = plane) plane_coord = self._get_plane_coord() tmp_id_edges = set() # set that will contain tuples of int which are # index of points in __pointfile.values_z array # Read box: box = self.get_box() for i in range(nfaces): face = self._get_face(i) # First, we check if the face belong to z0 plane: if self._is_face_in_plane(face, plane, plane_coord): # A face is defined by a list of point indice. # two successive points is such a list are connected by an edge, # as well as the last and the first point: for j, k in zip(face["id_pts"], np.concatenate((face["id_pts"][1:], [face["id_pts"][0]]))): # inside the domain, eatch edges belongs to 2 z0-plane's faces. # we don't want to add 2 times the same edge in __edgesInBox. # tmp_id_edges is a set, so if you try to add an element that # it already contains, that element will not be added if self._is_point_in_box(j, box) or self._is_point_in_box(k, box): # we add tuple of index in ascending order if j < k: tmp_id_edges.add((j, k)) else: tmp_id_edges.add((k, j)) # we transform set into list to make __edgesInBox a subscriptable object tmp_id_edges = list(tmp_id_edges) # __edgesInBox will be a list of edges. # Eatch edge is in the form ((x0, y0), (x1, y1)) self.__edgesInBox = [] if plane == 'xy': for (i, j) in tmp_id_edges: x0, y0 = self.__pointfile.values_x[i], self.__pointfile.values_y[i] x1, y1 = self.__pointfile.values_x[j], self.__pointfile.values_y[j] self.__edgesInBox.append(((x0, y0), (x1, y1))) elif plane == 'xz': for (i, j) in tmp_id_edges: x0, z0 = self.__pointfile.values_x[i], self.__pointfile.values_z[i] x1, z1 = self.__pointfile.values_x[j], self.__pointfile.values_z[j] self.__edgesInBox.append(((x0, z0), (x1, z1))) elif plane == 'xz': for (i, j) in tmp_id_edges: y0, z0 = self.__pointfile.values_y[i], self.__pointfile.values_z[i] y1, z1 = self.__pointfile.values_y[j], self.__pointfile.values_z[j] self.__edgesInBox.append(((y0, z0), (y1, z1)))
[docs] def get_all_edgesInBox(self): """ return the list of all edges in box. \n Eatch edge is describe by a tuple of tuples of float: ((x0, y0), (x1, y1)). \n (x0, y0) being the coordonates of the fisrt point, (x1, y1), the coordinates of the second point. \n This list can be given as an argument to the matplotlib LineCollection function, which allows to display a large number of segments on an image. Returns: list of tuples """ return (self.__edgesInBox)
def _set_plane_coord(self, plane): """we assume mesh is 2D planar. Therefore there is only one cell in the third direction (normal to mesh), so the 3rd coordinates of the mesh points have only two possible values. We choose one of them arbitrarily, named it __plane_coord. \n We will only draw the segments belonging to the plane at __plane_coord. """ if plane == 'xy': self.__plane_coord = self.__pointfile.values_z[0] elif plane == 'xz': self.__plane_coord = self.__pointfile.values_y[0] elif plane == 'yz': self.__plane_coord = self.__pointfile.values_x[0] else: print(f"plane={plane} but must be str egals to 'xy', 'xz' or 'yz'") def _get_plane_coord(self): """we assume mesh is 2D planar, return the plan coordonate in normal direction""" return self.__plane_coord def _get_face(self, i): """ get the dictionnary describing the face i """ return (self.__facefile.faces[i]) def _is_point_in_box(self, i, box): """ return a booleen, True if the point of indice i in inside the box, False otherwise. """ x = self.__pointfile.values_x[i] y = self.__pointfile.values_y[i] z = self.__pointfile.values_z[i] # box[0] = (xmin, ymin, zmin) # box[1] = (xmax, ymax, zmax) if box[0][0] > x or box[1][0] < x: return False elif box[0][1] > y or box[1][1] < y: return False elif box[0][2] > z or box[1][2] < z: return False else: return True def _is_face_in_plane(self, face, plane, plane_coord): """ check if all points of the face belong to the plane """ if plane == 'xy': for j in range(face["npts"]): if self.__pointfile.values_z[j] != plane_coord: return False elif plane == 'xz': for j in range(face["npts"]): if self.__pointfile.values_y[j] != plane_coord: return False elif plane == 'yz': for j in range(face["npts"]): if self.__pointfile.values_x[j] != plane_coord: return False return True